I'm in the freaking down situation .....
I was scolded by my parents ystd, the thng is...I pak toh and always hang out and bck hostel
lately ><> 19yrs old, we cnt pak toh???????
y they still keep their conservative mindset inside their mind>:!!!!y they dun agree i pak toh while i still studying nw????y must we only can pak toh after go out society???!!!
such a very old fashion thnking my parents have!!~ I have nthg to say..........................
i dun wan like sum relatives...when they are 25/26 sum more...then they will nervous about when she will get marry soon???!! I dun wan they cincai introduce me a guy frm sum aunty uncle there, then hope i get marry soon................i dun wan such a nonsence life in the future!!
If i'm totally wrong...ok, i never say anythg nw...mayb i can jz keep quite to wait them for changing their perceptions toward the society nowadays.........................
God bless me......